ToeGrips: 3.1 Million Views With Over 2,000 Sales

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This is some text inside of a div block.

Brand Overview

Dr. Buzby's ToeGrips is a groundbreaking pet care solution designed to improve the quality of life for dogs who are aging, have special needs, or have a history of injury. Behind this innovative product is Dr. Buzby, a veterinarian who dedicated her life’s work to keeping our pets active, safe, and happy.


Oli, Perye, and Lisa, the Growth Team at Dr. Buzby's ToeGrips, found themselves at a crossroads. They wanted to explore their potential with Facebok Ads, so they shifted from static ads to more engaging UGC-style videos.

Their mission was clear: boost ROAS and connect with a wider audience, ultimately letting the world know about the remarkable ToeGrips.

Acknowledging the opportunity, Oli took control of the situation by collaborating with 10X ROAS to cover their entire UGC ad creative production—including scripting, managing creators, filming, and editing—that would perform on Facebook Ads.

With our expertise in producing creative for pet care brands, we used our most talented creators and developed unique concepts that have resonated with the ToeGrips audience.


10X ROAS came up with a Creative Strategy tailored to Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips. This would be the formula for how their creatives will be scripted, filmed, and edited, with success in mind.

Here’s how we created it:

  1. Market Research. We took a deep dive into customer feedback, social media engagement and other insights to tap into the heart of our audience.
    • What common problems, questions, or skepticism did they have?
    • Were there common questions or problems that our creatives could answer?
    • This information would be used in concepts and scripts so that the ads we produce would resonate with the target audience.
  2. Creative Strategy. This research was the foundation for the ads we will create. It’s an analysis of what’s working for other brands, and how we can reverse-engineer the winning elements for our creatives. It covers:
    • The script structure that will be effective for the storytelling
    • The visual elements that will have the most impact
    • The editing style that customers will enjoy watching
    • Different ad styles for ideation
  3. Creator Selection. ToeGrips had quite a niche audience (mostly 45+ females with aging dogs), so looking for creators who represented the audience was a challenge for the ToeGrips team. Our team selected creators with senior dogs who experienced traction issues. This ensured that the creator (and their dog) were not just representing the audience, but experienced the same problems first-hand.
  4. Creator Management: While our creators' dogs really did have slipping issues, it would be a challenge recreating these slips on camera. We made a Filming Guideline to prepare creators for filming and reduce the chances of reshoots. We also helped creators during filming to ensure the ToeGrips were correctly used by the dogs.
  5. Scripting & Editing. We looked into the brand’s demographic and found that a big chunk of its customer base (age 45 and above) responds better to slower creatives rather than highly-edited, fast-paced creatives.

    This audience also sought more educational value and had longer attention spans than brands with younger customers. Making use of this insight, our creatives reflected this by being more educationally jam-packed and, as a result, being lengthier.

    Though this was the total opposite of the creatives we create for brands with younger demographics, our team made sure that the creatives we produce for Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips were made for the audience.

Based on our Creative Strategy, we ended up with a couple of winners for the brand. One particular creative, Life Changer, soon became their longest-running winner!

This creative ran for almost a year, and the above information👆 is just a small snippet of the total numbers it did for the brand.

But hold on: Life Changer wasn’t done just yet.

Lisa, responsible for the brand’s Social Media Growth, saw the opportunity to repurpose our UGC videos for organic Instagram Reels. Of course, one of the first options they thought of was testing their biggest winner Life Changer, and seeing how it would perform on organic social media.

Within 2 weeks of posting Life Changer, the V2 of this concept went wild on the brand’s social media. It was watched by 3.1 million people and set a new record for Dr. Buzby's ToeGrips as their first viral video.


The ad has been run with many iterations on Meta, but here are some numbers it had:

  • Over 2,000 purchases
  • Over $64K in sales
  • Average 40% Hook Rate

The numbers from posting the ad as an organic post were even more impressing:

  • A massive reach of 3.1 million people
  • Engagement skyrocketed with 74K likes and hundreds of comments
  • A whopping 50.5K shares

Although creatives produced for ad campaigns are usually structured differently from videos created for organic, this particular campaign opened up a new perspective on our creatives’ potential. When these brilliant ads are repurposed strategically, they can have a monumental impact on organic reach and brand recognition.

Now that’s hitting two birds with one stone!